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25 Mar 2024 - Adjustment of business registration fees and waiver of business registration levy

According to the Public Revenue Protection (Business Registration) Order 2024 and the Business Registration Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2024, the prescribed business registration fees will be adjusted and the business registration levy will be waived for 2 years with effect from 1 April 2024*.

The registration fee for 1-year certificate will be adjusted from HKD2,100 to HKD2,200 ; the levy of HKD150 will be waived for 2 years. Therefore, the Business Registration Fee for 1-year certificate will be HKD2,200 starting from 1 April 2024.

Starting from 1 April 2024, the Business Registration fee is as below:

Business Registration Certificate

(01.04.2024 – 31.03.2025)

Branch Registration Certificate

(01.04.2024 – 31.03.2025)

1-year certificate
3-year certificate
1-year certificate
3-year certificate
HKD2,200 HKD0 HKD2,200 HKD5,720 HKD150 HKD5,870 HKD80 HKD0 HKD80 HKD208 HKD150 HKD358

For more details, please refer to the website of the Inland Revenue Department ( and the business registration fee & levy table (

*The relevant legislative amendment is subject to the scrutiny of the Legislative Council.

27 Oct 2023 - Implementation of Phase 2 of Unique Business Identifier for Entities

The Companies Registry undertakes to implement Unique Business Identifier (“UBI”) by two phases for entities under the administration of the Registrar of Companies. Business Registration Number (“BRN”) (i.e. the first eight digits of the Business Registration Certificate number) assigned by the Business Registration Office of the Inland Revenue Department is adopted as the UBI of companies and entities. Phase 1 was implemented for Limited Partnership Funds with effect from 1 November 2021. Phase 2 will be implemented on 27 December 2023 to cover limited companies and various other entities.

Key features of Phase 2 of UBI on relevant companies and entities with effect from 27 December 2023 include:-

  • BRN will be adopted as the “No.” on the “Certificate of Incorporation”, “Certificate of Registration”, or “Certificate of Change of Name” issued by the Registry;
  • BRN, instead of the existing company registration number, will have to be quoted on specified forms and documents delivered to the Registry; and
  • BRN will be the key number for searching and identifying a company or entity under different services of the Registry.

For more details, please refer to

15 March 2023 - Adjustment of Hong Kong Business Registration Fees for 2023/24

According to The 2023/24 Budget released by HKSAR, Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po did not mention any waiver of business registration fee this year. Therefore, the business registration fee will be adjusted from HKD250 to HKD2,150 starting from 1 April 2023.

The fee is divided into “registration fee” and “levy”.  The HKSAR waived the 1-year business registration certificate fee to HKD0 in the past few years. However, there is no waiver of business registration fee for 2023/24. Therefore, the registration fee and levy for the 1-year certificate will be HKD2,000 and HKD150, total HKD2,150.

Starting from 1 April 2023, the Business Registration fee is as below:

Business Registration Certificate

Branch Registration Certificate

1-year certificate
3-year certificate
1-year certificate
3-year certificate
HKD2,000 HKD150 HKD2,150 HKD5,200 HKD450 HKD5,650 HKD73 HKD150 HKD223 HKD189 HKD450 HKD639

For more details, please refer to IRD Business Registration Fee and Levy Table

1 September 2022 - Waiver of registration fees for annual returns will end on 30 September 2022

The two-year waiver of registration fees for annual returns delivered on time pursuant to the Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 which commenced on 1 October 2020 will end on 30 September 2022.

Eligible companies (i.e. companies whose made up date of annual return falls on or before 30 September 2022) shall deliver on time their annual returns for 2022 on or before 30 September 2022 in order to enjoy the waiver. 

After 30 September 2022, registration fees will be required even if the annual returns of these eligible companies are delivered on time.

For more details, please visit Companies Registry website

10 June 2022 - Reduction of Levy Rate of Business Registration for Companies

The Business Registration Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 2) Order 2022 will come into operation on 17 June 2022.  Pursuant to the Order, the rate of the business registration levy is reduced from $250 per annum to $150 per annum.  The new levy rate applies to incorporation applications lodged on or after 17 June 2022 under the One-stop Company Incorporation and Business Registration Service.  For registration of non-Hong Kong companies, the new levy rate applies to business registration certificates with the date of commencement on or after 17 June 2022 (i.e. the date of commencement of business in Hong Kong is on or after that date).


14 April 2022 - Latest arrangements for HK Companies Registry's public services

Companies Registry to resume normal public services starting from April 19

To align with the arrangements for Government departments to largely resume normal public services from April 21, the Companies Registry announced that it will resume normal public services from April 19 while continuing to adopt targeted measures to reduce social contact.

The opening hours of the Registry are as follows:

13/F Public Search Centre & 14/F Public Service Hall at Queensway Government Offices and Registry for Trust and Company Service Providers at 12/F, One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay

Monday to Friday
8:45am to 5:30pm


24 Jan 2022 - Latest arrangements for HK Companies Registry's public services

In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, starting from January 25 2022, the HK Companies Registry will adjust counter service hours for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporation. The Public Search Centre will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The opening hours of the Registry are as follows:

14/F Public Service Hall at Queensway Government Offices and 12/F, One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay

Monday to Friday
9.30am to 4pm

13/F Public Search Centre at Queensway Government Offices

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9.30am to 4pm


27 Jan 2021 - Latest arrangements for HK Companies Registry's public services

In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, starting from January 28 2021, the HK Companies Registry will reopen the Public Search Centre while maintaining the counter services for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations currently provided.

The opening hours of the Registry are as follows:

13/F Public Search Centre and 14/F Public Service Hall at Queensway Government Offices and 12/F, One Kowloon, Kowloon Bay

Monday to Friday
9.30am to 4pm


09 Dec 2020 - Latest arrangements for HK Companies Registry's public services

In view of the latest epidemic situation and the special work arrangements for government employees, starting from 10 December 2020, while maintaining the limited counter services provided currently, the HK Companies Registry will temporarily close the Public Search Centre on 13/F at Queensway Government Offices until further notice.

HK Companies Registry will continue to provide limited counter services for receiving documents delivered in hard copy and collection of certificates for company incorporations.


10 Sep 2020 - The Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 (“the Amendment Regulation”) will come into operation on 1 October 2020.

The Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2020 (“the Amendment Regulation”) will come into operation on 1 October 2020.

The Amendment Regulation amends the Companies (Fees) Regulation (Cap. 622K) that the registration fees for all annual returns (except for annual returns delivered late) charged by the Companies Registry (“the Registry”) would be waived for two years, starting from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2022.

For more details, please refer to the below circular.

22 Jul 2020 - Cayman Island(Mutual Funds(Amendment) Bill, 2020)

According to the “Mutual Funds (Amendment) Bill, 2020” launched by the Cayman Island government on 8 January 2020, all private funds carry on business in Cayman Island will be required to register and report with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”) before 7 August 2020. The mutual funds exempted from regulation in the past will no longer be exempted from this amendment regulation. Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (“CIMA”) will issue a certificate of registration for the company to prove that it is a regulated entity.

The above information is only for reference. It does not represent a legal opinion. Please do not rely solely on the reference material. We are excluded from all liabilities of the reference material. Please contact us if you have any enquires.

6 Apr 2020 - British Virgins Islands Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2018

Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) Act, 2018 (the “Act”) –  Starting from 1 January 2019, A BVI business company or limited partnership with legal personality (“LP”) which is not carrying on any relevant activity will need to file an annual return stating that it does not carry on relevant activity. The existing company should comply with the reporting obligation before 30 June 2020, after 6 months of its financial year. The Act also applies to the new established company after 1 January 2019.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquires.