Hong Kong Limited Company Incorporation

A.C Corporate Solutions Limited is a licenced Trust or Company Service Provider in Hong Kong, our professionals are able to complete the registration of your company within around 7 working days. The process of setting up your company is quick and convenient. Apart from company incorporation and company secretary services, we also offer statutory documents preparation and submission services.

For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Hong Kong Private Limited Company Hong Kong Company Limited by Guarantee
Company Incorporation Plan US$198 (Plus government fees, #note 1) US$204 (Plus government fees, #note 1)
Time Required Around 7 working days Around 30 working days
Fees include
One year Standard Company Secretary Service (Optional) +US$242

(#note 3)


(#note 3)

One year Registered Office Address and Mail Receiving and Forwarding Service (no parcel will be accepted for this address(Optional) +US$38

(#note 3)


(#note 3)

Company Search
Verify Shareholder(s) & Director(s) information
Submit statuary document & Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

(*Companies Registry’s template only)


Act as the designated representative for the Significant Controller (First year); Prepare and keep the first Significant Controller Register
Prepare Register of Member, Register of Director, Register of Secretary and Share Certificate

* Share Certificate is not required

Prepare the first board minutes for company incorporation
Documents will be obtained
Certificate of Incorporation (CI)
Business Registration (BR))
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (M&A)
Company common seal, perma stamp, 22cm round chop
Share Certificate
Book for board minutes

* Share Certificate is not required

Green Box
Significant Controller Register
Register of Member, Register of Director, Register of Secretary

** Share Certificate is not required

The first board minutes for company incorporation

#note 1: Company Registration fee and Business Registration fee are excluded. (The actual charge is subject to the Government adjustment. The charge in 2023 for Private Limited Company is HKD3,870, for Limited by Guarantee is HKD$2,320)

#note 2: The service does not include drafting the objects / Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of a company, to meet the requirement of a charitable organization. Customers can draft the objects of a company / M&A by themselves or by entrusting a lawyer.

#note 3: Company Secretary & Virtual Office Package renewal price is USD 510 per year.

#note 4: Exchange rate USD 1 = HKD 7.85

Download general item list for operating a Hong Kong Limited Company and corresponding ACCS package coverage table. This item list of operating a Hong Kong Limited Company is a non-exhaustive list and is for reference only: Operating a HK Limited Company _v1.5